“A small daily task, if it be really daily, will beat the labours of a spasmodic Hercules.” – Anthony Trollope

Small daily tasks reap big rewards and helps us achieve our dreams.

sunlite wooded glade

Creating space for tiny steps

Every seed needs nurturing, light and warmth to grow

Writing motivation

Join me on my journey as I take tiny steps to achieve big dream goals.

Thinking of taking daily tiny steps?

Achieve your dream goals and share what motivation technique worked for you.

University Professor

I work with college students to help them develop strong research and writing skills and with small manageable weekly assignments, help them overcome the beast of procrastination. Consistent effort is key to success.

Seeds of Change

Tiny seeds contain mighty trees. Developing better time management skills and focus boosts motivation.

Time Management

When we are mindful of how we spend our time, we can better manage it. Time is a non renewable resource. Once it is gone, it’s gone. Learn to use it well.


Completing small daily tasks focused on your larger goals or projects reduces stress, saves time and improves your efficiency.

Make time for yourself

Until you value yourself, you will not value your time.

Devote time to grow

Enjoy the journey

  • “Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
  • A great future is waiting for us when we take the time plan for it.
  • I keep reminding myself “The joy is in the journey.”
Sunset over mountain range

Everyday Beauty

  • Take a moment everyday to marvel at the beauty around you.
  • Reflect
  • Absorb
  • Journal Daily to process – As Anne Frank once wrote, “Paper has more patience than people.”

Save hours of wasted time by focusing on priorities that take us closer to our goals.

Take back your time

Put yourself back in control of your day

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